Alain Robert on Robert Dam

Alain Robert details the different ways he observed Robert Dam conducting “rip-offs” of the Church. “That’s what Robert Dam is about. Not trustworthy and I would not recommend him to anybody.”


My name is Alain Robert. And I was at the—in the ‘90s, I was the financial director of the Church in Denmark. And we used to work with broad promotion, at the time, for our Church. And we were looking for companies who could definitely give us this service.

And one person presented himself, it was Robert Dam, who at the beginning was quite an interesting broker at the time, I could say. And then, as much as we were dealing with him and we were working with him, I was getting some complaints from my personnel, from my staff who were working on the production of the magazine.

They were complaining that some parishioners didn’t receive their magazine. How come?

So we had a meeting with him in the ‘90s. And he was a good looking, presentable staff, presentable person. But then I was very surprised, he has only one customer. One customer? How can you have one customer in your business?

I got my accountant also to look into that. And he figured out that Robert Dam was not very clean on this presentation of only simple expenses that he had. How come he could not come with his audits and show us what exactly he was doing with the money?

What kind of airplane he was taking? Private? Nobody knew. He was charging, charging, charging because that was his business trip or business connected to the expenses that he has to produce our magazine.

One time even, he went to Africa on a business trip. And it was just to fish in a pool in Africa. And have a nice time. And all this paid by the Church. Thank you very much. This is called stealing money.

And there is another example where he apparently didn’t ship—out of 144,000 pieces of promotion, he could only distribute 99,000, while we were paying him full price. And this was also like a kind of rip-off of the Church.

What he was presenting is definitely like a rip-off. But also like a product that does not have any value, like a pink magazine that you can just trash. The colors were not adjusted per the standard of the printing. But we had paid him the whole price and we had paid him the whole fee that he was asking for.

And that’s what Robert Dam is about. Not trustable and I will not recommend him to anybody.