The Cadets: Children of the Sea Organization

While Robert Dam worked to satisfy an insatiable media with misleading portrayals of the lives of children whose parents were part of the Sea Organization in Copenhagen, those same children, now adults, provide pictorial evidence to trounce Dam’s vicious fabrications and distortions, providing instead a true and accurate account with personal photos of their youth when they were Cadets.

In interviews, the now-grown Cadets describe all facets of their life growing up in the Sea Organization. They spoke of their schooling, where they learned mathematics, reading, geography, science, biology and languages including English, German, French and Danish. To their regular sports activities—swimming, roller skating, baseball, basketball and volleyball. They went on outings—sailing, museums, mountain climbing. They went on camping trips, cultural excursions and canoe outings.

And unlike the experience of most Danish schoolchildren, there were no drugs in the schools they attended.

They spent time with their parents and had loving relationships with them.

Pictures don’t lie.

A group of Cadets at a local fair
Cadets on a forest walk chance upon a waterfall
Swimming was a favorite Cadet activity
Sailing, even tied up to the wharf, was also popular.
Cadets on a road trip
Cadets on a hiking trail
Cadets learning pottery
Cadets visit the cow pasture
Cadets ready to dig into the cake
Cadets at a park luncheon
Family biking trip
Cadets at a singalong
Cadets on a hike
Cadets at a summer party dinner
Cadets on a walk in the woods
Family trip to the ocean
Family rafting ride
Family ice cream stop
Cadet reunion
Cadet reunion
Cadet reunion
Cadet reunion